Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cabin Fun Aug 2011

Well our lil trip started out with some four wheelin down to the dam....on our travels up there poor lil sammy fell off the front of the four wheeler and got ran over! but no worries she popped right up as usual and was a happy lil camper, such a good dog!

Once we reached the dam we had us a nice lunch and relaxed in the shade!
Played a lil catch with sammy, this dog never quits!

This here is Parker having his dad lace up his boots.....I truely think Parker has got bein the baby of the family down, he's workin EVERYONE haha i honestly think he knows how to do it himself but he'd rather be pampered and make someone else do it! Man if i had that power i'd probably do it to! That lil cutie!
Once we got back from the dam we went on a horse ride! We saw tons of wild life back up in those mountains it was so much fun! These horses are amazing i can't believe what they can climb up and down in the rocky mountains!
Next day we went to Lake Lyman to do some fishin....three hours later no one caught a fish and i ended up with a broken fishin pole :( so despite our fishless adventures we decided to go a shore and do some ax throwin! I can't believe how hard it is! I literally had to use all my body weight just to throw the dang thing! The only people to actually get it to stick were Steve and Brady, but the rest of us sure gave it many a good tries!

Next morning we went on another four wheel ride to try and find us a good shootin spot! Seems we always end up in the same place for this! But it was fun anyway!
My grandpa just gave brady that lever action rifle that i have, oh man it was SO FUN to shoot! I don't think i missed one shot with that thing it was so dead on, and the lever action just makes it that much more exciting! The other one is Brady's semi automatic rifle which i believe was the last gun we got before i put the kaibosh on him for buyin more guns haha so he cherishes that one :) When its all said and done we had a lot of fun this weekend, we did miss havin Corey and Candice with us it didn't seem quite the same!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

HoLiDay FuN!

Pioneer weekend! Me and the Wall girlies had a fun day makin these cute things! This is as crafty as i've gotten in a LOOOONG time!

Carlie and Colt and their sweet shades
Emmett bein the stud he is!
We had a fun day at Causey over the weekend, brady loved this kayak of candice and corey's. Pretty sure once he got in it he didn't get out till we were done!

FUN at Cathy's Cabin! Favorite picture of back in the mountains on our horse ride!

Steve and lil Jet!
Cruisin down the river on our mighty steeds!

Doin a lil fishin on Bridger Lake! Didn't catch a thing in the canoe...but once i hit the short BAM 2 fishies!
Carlie N Colt
Brady doin some serious fishin :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

We are not buddies...

WIND....I appreciate you in the summer when its hot and the breeze cools you off, but i DO NOT appreciate you knocking down my fence.

But not to worry folks, thats the perk of having a handy husband! Its already back up and functioning! haha ( with my help of course :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3 Short years!

WOW i can't believe its time again to say its our anniversary today! Who knew i would meet my prince charming one day on the freeway? I SURE DIDN'T! Babe you are the absolute LOVE of my life and i couldn't imagin going a day without you! I love wakin up to your "mornin beautiful how did you sleep?" i love getting a big kiss and hug before one of us leaves to work, i love that we get to have lunch together everyday, i love how you sing in the car tryin to match the singers voice perfectly, even if its a woman :), even if you may not know the words, i love how you will make a comment and smile before i can if you think your funny, i love how when we watch a show you quote everytime someone speaks in an accent or if you can predict how the show is going to go, i love when you fall asleep on my pillow and leave a nice slobber spot :), i love how you make me smile even when i don't want to, i love how we can laugh and joke with each other, i love that we have never fought because we choose to be happy instead, i love that when you walk in a room you still make me light up and get the butterflies, i love when i catch you dancin in the mirror, i love your smelly hugs when you get home from a long day at work, i love that you will do everything and anything for me, and i love my kiss goodnight right before we fall asleep! Thanks for 3 great years so far, and i can't wait for an eternity more!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our New Loves!

I LOOOOVE horses and i was so lucky to marry into a family who had them to get the opportunity to do what i always dreamed of, and that is barrell racing! This here is my new love Dunner, i wish i could keep her in my backyard so i could ride her everyday!

AND THIS is Brady's new love...his dump bed! Him and his dad worked on this for hours, and i'd say it turned out pretty freakin awesome! And below is the picture of my very dirty husband after they finally finished it!