Christmas and New years holy smokes! i can't believe christmas is over! months of planning and its over like THAT! Lets just start from christmas eve...was supposed to be at my sisters house by 6 came home from work and was REALLY sick...but slept for an hour and headed over there for the fun! all the food looked soooo good, but i was sick to my stomach and just couldn't eat! We played a white elephant game and i ended up with coal ( thanks chris ) :) Then Christmas morning came and the kids came runnin downstairs to tell me and brady that santa had come! they wouldn't leave till i stood up! ( love them ) watched a lil bit of christmas magic with the kids all excited ( mostly over the nurf guns that was good times ) SORRY PICS OUT OF ORDER!
Sooo all the week of christmas there was this huge box that i was DYING to know what was in it! Brady surprised me with this pink saddle! I freakin love it!

Me and Brady did a lil Rodeo-in on New Years Eve!

New Years day, well....there was a cute cake stand that my sister Amanda made me for Chritmas that i wanted to put right where our old microwave was, so brady said well lets go get a new one and hang it up..i said well ok then lets go! so thats what we did haha here are the before and after pictures! Brady did that in about an hour! he's amazing i STILL can't get enough of him!!!


HE ALSO hand made that pink and black lead rope you see hangin on the back! LOVE IT!

haha brady doin a lil light sabor fightin!

WHOA! presents!

oopsie ash had her eyes closed!

LOVE the morning pictures!

santa was EXTRA generous this year! :)

Reading a letter from santa!
Here was a gooood bull ride!