Tuesday, March 23, 2010

we went to aldean's concert, and it was FREAKIN AWESOME! it was practically a double concert for us, cause LUKE BRYAN opened for him and we love him just as much! i'm pretty sure my ears were bleeding when we left! i can't quite put a pin on what i love about concerts more....getting beer spilt on me by a girl shoving her boobs in my face as she's trying to get to her seat, or the little girls sitting behind you jumping up and down as many times as they can making it rumble where your standing! YUP love it all! haha


  1. Sounds like fun Bug! haha
    PS- I like what you've done to the blog ;)

  2. Your new blog is totally you and I love how all the events you and Brady attend involve people drinking beer or rednecks he he! Love you guys!

  3. I have no idea who Jason Aldean is but it sure looked like you two had fun! haha. I'm guessing he is a country singer :)

  4. Ha ha country concerts sure are the best! I miss you SO MUCH girl!
